This brought us to the idea to starte the SUNNEGGA ONLINE CHALLENGE. This is a free entry online ranking list. Everybody who complete the trail can sign in and see directly how fast he is compared to his friends. Not the fastest counts, to take part counts! You have to be reminded that everyone who ist completing the trail under 45 minutes is generaly a well preapared Matterhorn climber.
For this year the Sunnegga Train is closed. Everybod who want's to try it still this year has to walk down. Next year the sunnegga train will be totaly renovated and will be open during summer season from 16th of juin to 13th of octobre. At the 13th of octobre we will make a raffle out of all the signed people. There is a climbing or skiing day with www.anthamattens.ch to win with a value of CHF 1000! So, it will be worth it!
Have fun!
Simon & Martin Anthamatten
We will not take any responsibility. Every athlete has to decide himself witch conditions aloud him to do the trail.